I am an assistant professor of math at Brigham Young University.

I am generally interested in applications of algebraic topology to questions in algebraic geometry, number theory, physics, and biology. My papers can be found on my research page. If you are a student interested in working with me, please see my lab page.

During Fall 2024, I will be on parental leave. If you would like to meet or have me speak during this semester, please reach out for an update on my availability. I will only be working a few hours each week during this leave, most of which will be reserved for advising students and ongoing collaborations.

Before BYU, I was an NSF postdoc at Harvard, supported by the National Science Foundation under grant DMS-2202825. My sponsoring scientist was Mike Hopkins. I received my PhD in May 2022 from Duke, where I was advised by Kirsten Wickelgren. Before Duke, I began my PhD studies at Georgia Tech.

I was born and raised in Salt Lake City and attended the University of Utah for my undergraduate studies. I now live in Springville with my wonderful family. My non-mathematical interests include painting, hiking, and lifting.