I am a graduate student in math at Monsters University. I am interested in discrete analysis and trilinear forms. My advisor is Jerry Slugworth.

I was born and raised in Monstropolis. In my free time, I perform children's comedy and collect monoculars.

Here is a copy of my CV.


Here is a list of my papers and preprints.

  1. Tired of bilinear forms? Try trilinear forms,
    with James P. Sullivan.
    Preprint, 2024.
  2. There are infinitely many twin composite integers.
    To appear in The Journal of Unpublished Results.


Here is a list of my teaching experiences.

Course Title Term Role Info
Math 101 Sets and functions Spring 2024 Instructor Syllabus. Course materials on Canvas.
Math 123 Infinite-dimensional calculus Fall 2023 TA